In 24 hrs, we have put about 180 miles away behind us; we have 63 to go before rounding Cape Sable. Our plan, based on predicted winds, has been to go north of the rhumb line for higher winds and then go south below Cape Sable to find higher winds. Currently going along at about 7.5 kts with 15 kts wind from west of south. Much better speed so far than anticipated. But other boats profited from the same winds and only a couple in sight of us. Sailed, so far, a beam reach with no spinnaker use.
We tried using the wind vane steering but the winds were sufficiently variable that the vane could not cope with the rapidly changing weather helm, so most of the time we have hand steered or used the autopilot. When we gave up on the wind vane, we were unable to extract its rudder from the ocean so we eventually heaved to, slowing to no boat speed in the middle of a race! But it worked to enable lifting the rudder out, and thereby reducing its considerable flow resistance.
It has been gorgeous sailing: very few clouds, and every direction of gaze, sky blue against deep aquamarine of the water which is decorated with white caps.
For reasons of time constraint (it's a race) we were unable to stop at either of the highly regarded Gulf of Maine floating restaurants, Neptune's Keep and the pirate-themed restaurant, Arrrrrggghhhh. Maybe on the return trip.
Whisper and Crew.
Half way there - keep the hammer down!